Welcome to my site!


Software Developer and Data Scientist 👨‍💻

class  Javier ( IHuman ) :



I consider myself a hard-working and persevering individual, driven by an innate passion for growth and continuous improvement. I like to tackle challenges with determination and focus on goals. I firmly believe that perseverance is key to progress.


My interest in the wonderful world of data was born during my studies in Finance and Accounting. I fell in love with statistics, probability theory, and risk assessment, so I looked for a career that allowed me to develop these skills further ✨


I was born in Huelva, Andalusia, Southern Spain ( 36 °C at the time of writing this 🌞). I spent most of my life there until I moved to Seville for university. During the last few years I've had the opportunity to travel and live in different parts of the world (and hopefully many more in the future), such as the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico 🌮, Manchester (UK), Cork (Ireland), Portugal, and Brussels (Belgium).


I enjoy spending my free time hanging out with friends, doing sports, being in nature, and walking @apolo.the.husky 🐾
